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2017. 11.
Come with me. Let's watch the big bang from the pier.
Then we'll start again from scratch.
Sometimes you have to go right back to the beginning.
''You're never really done for as long as you've got a good story
and someone to tell it to''. Remember?
You told me that.
Imagine how many stories you've got to tell now !
The world would hang on your every word, they'd go mad for your music.
Believe me.
All that city. . .
You just couldn't see an end to it.
The end !
Please, could you show me where it ends ?
It was all very fine on that gangway
and I was grand, too, in my overcoat.
I cut quite a figure
and I had no doubts about getting off.
No problem.
It wasn't what I saw that stopped me.
It was what I didn't see. Can you understand that ?
What I didn't see.
In all that sprawling city, there was everything except an end.
There was everything.
But there wasn't an end.
What I couldn't see was where all that came to an end.
The end of the world.
Take a piano.
The keys begin, the keys end.
You know there are 88 of them and no-one can tell you differently.
They are not infinite, you are infinite.
And on those 88 keys the music that you can make is infinite.
I like that.
That I can live by.
But you get me up on that gangway
and roll out a keyboard with millions of keys,
and that's the truth, there's no end to them,
that keyboard is infinite.
But if that keyboard is infinite there's no music you can play.
You're sitting on the wrong bench.
That's God's piano.
Christ, did you see the streets ? There were thousands of them !
How do you choose just one ?
One woman, one house,
one piece of land to call your own, one landscape to look at,
one way to die.
All that world weighing down on you without you knowing where it ends.
Aren't you scared of just breaking apart
just thinking about it, the enormity of living in it ?
I was born on this ship.
The world passed me by, but two thousand people at a time.
And there were wishes here,
but never more than could fit on a ship,
between prow and stern.
You played out your happiness on a piano that was not infinite.
I learned to live that way.
Land is a ship too big for me.
It's a woman too beautiful.
It's a voyage too long. Perfume too strong.
It's music I don't know how to make.
I can't get off this ship.
At best, I can step off my life.
After all, it's as though I never existed.
You're the exception, Max.
You're the only one who knows that I'm here.
You're a minority.
You'd better get used to it.
Forgive me, my friend.
But I'm not getting off.
I can picture the scene up there.
Some poor guy searching a list for my name and not finding it.
-What did you say your name was ? -Nineteen Hundred.
Niemann, Nightingale,
Ninestock, Nittledeen.
-You see, sir, I was born on a ship. -l beg your pardon ?
Born, raised and died on a ship, maybe I'm registered there.
-Shipwreck ? -No, six and a half tons of dynamite.
Are you feeling better now?
Yeah,fine except that I lost an arm.
-An arm ? -Yes, in the explosion.
You should be able to find one up there.
-Which one do you say is missing ? -The left, sir.
I'm so sorry !
We only seem to have two rights.
-Two right arms ? -Yes.
I'm afraid so.
Would you mind awfully taking . . .
-Taking what ? -A right arm instead of a left ?
Well, all things considered, better a right arm than nothing at all.
I couldn't agree more.
By the way, we have one black arm and one white arm.
Oh, matching arms, please.
I have nothing against negroes, it's just a question of aesthetics.
It's no laughing matter, Max.
What a cock-up, spending eternity with two right arms !
How wouldyou make the sign of the cross ?
Imagine the music I could play with two right arms.
I only hope I can find a piano up there !
Okay, that's fine like that.
-Slowly. -Get hold of it there.
What would you have done in my place ?
I don't know.
I would probably have felt quite useless.
Sooner or later all stories end, and there's nothing else to add.
Anyhow, thanks.
Conn, there's something I don't understand.
Who hid the broken record inside the piano ?
-You're looking at him. -So, you weren't useless after all.
Here, take your trumpet. I think you'll need it.
-But I . . . -Fuck the money !
A good story is worth more than an old trumpet.
Okay, Pops.